History Has Its Eyes On You

Despite my wishes, I am a villain in someone’s story

Oluwasegun Akinshola Lawrence
2 min readJan 30, 2023
A shore in Lagos island as generated by an AI

The sun rises, and a new day begins
And with it, a chance to start again
To shed the burden of our past mistakes
And find the courage to forgive and shake off the chains that hold us to our fear

And reach out to those who we hold dear
To make amends, to show we care
And to leave behind our doubts and despair

For we are all just human, Flawed and true with dreams and fears and passions anew
And though we may stumble, We must rise
With strength and grace, with open eyes

And see the world for what it is
A place of love, of joy, and bliss
Where all are welcome, all are free
And all can live and breathe and be

So let us be brave, let us be bold
And embrace the love that we’ve been told
To share with others, to give our best
And to live life with a thankful breathe

When we forgive ourselves, we find

A path to peace, a peace of mind
And with this peace, we can reach out
And help those lost and wandering about

And bring them home, to love and light
And to a place where all is right

So do not be a coward, like me

Do not let them change you,

The pain, the betrayal, the loss,

The things you’ve seen that’s refused to let you grow, that now drive you to your grave

Do not hide behind new vices and the self-loathing that you’re irredeemable

Remember your old mistakes only as proof that you lived

They do not need to define you anymore

But step forth, with love and pride

For your daughters, your sons

For your wife and husband,

For those who will never give up on you

For those who bend their knees in prayers for you,

For yourself and the you, that still believe

Show the world the strength within
And all the love you have to give, my friend

For you are more than what you’ve done
And you can heal, and you can become

The person you were meant to be
With love, with grace, and all your might, you’ll see

You are a hero in someone else story

